I think I've gotten most of the kinks worked out of my solar imaging setup. Now I'm starting to learn how to take pictures with the
Coronado PST and Meade Deep Sky Imager (DSI). I mentioned in my previous article that there was a lost of dust in the optical path. It turned out that the majority of it was in the camera, so it was easy to clean up.
There was a lot to see on the Sun today. Sunspot
AR1429, which emerged this past Friday, unleashed a massive
X-class solar flare late on March 4th, local time. The sunspot is visible in this image in the upper-right. Sunspot region 1428 is in the lower-right.
AR1429, upper-right; Sunspot region 1428, lower-right |
Below is a more detailed view of the sunspots in AR1429. This image was generated using a different setting on the PST's filter tuner. This setting seems to filter out a lot of the finer details that are normally seen in
AR1429, left; Sunspot region 1430, right |
This image is a little further "down" from the two above, and shows a
solar prominence in the lower-left. Solar prominences are clouds of gas that are suspended above the Sun's surface by magnetic fields.
Sunspot region 1428, upper-right; A solar prominence, lower-left |
Sunspot region 1423 is visible on the right side of this image. The dark streaks across the surface are called
filaments. Filaments are the same as prominences, only seen from above. Another, smaller, prominence is located in the upper-right.
Sunspot region 1423, middle-right; Prominence, upper-right; Solar filaments |
I have a lot of things that I want to try, time and weather permitting, before the
Venus Transit on June 5th.