August 31, 2012, is a
Blue Moon, so I thought it would be appropriate to do one of those "
colors of the moon" images. The weather here has been a little unpredictable lately, so it's anyone's guess as to whether or not the Blue Moon will be visible. The sky was clear the night of the August 1 full moon, so I took the opportunity to image it, instead.
The moon's colors are very subtle not and easily discerned by the human eye. A little image enhancement brings them out.
Full Moon, August 1, 2012 with enhanced colors |
A negative image often brings out subtle details that are usually harder to see in normal photographs. Astronomers use this
technique to spot galaxies, nebulae and other dim objects.
Inverted monochrome image of the August 1, 2012 Full Moon |
And here is a "normal" image of the moon, with only slight contrast enhancement:
August 1, 2012 Full Moon |